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by Carole Feeny |

  • : Zoey has added so much love and laughter to our home! She is sweet and fun with such a balanced temperament. We have 2 other small dogs - Rocko and Cuba - Zoey and Cuba are true sisters and friends, they run and play wrestle every day! Our original 2 dogs follow me everywhere, but Zoey is more fair with her attention - she loves everyone! She especially adores my husband and loves to sit on his lap and give him kisses. She is our snuggle-bug, but lives to patrol the yard and chase the birds away! Such a zest for life! I really didn't think we could handle a third dog, but she is so easy and makes us all (humans and dog siblings) so very happy!
  • : We had 2 small dogs at home and I really didn't think we had room in our hearts (or schedule) for a third, yet I felt such a pull to help unloved, homeless dogs. My husband and I had discussed that we might consider a third dog... someday. For many months I had been going to shelters to love-up and walk dogs, and I kept a crate and bedding in my car just in case the right dog came along. Last Thanksgiving eve I saw Zoey on a shelter website and went to visit her. She had been there for three weeks and looked so lonesome, thin and scared! (She was shaved down to nothing because she had been so matted when surrendered.) Skilled at standing on her back legs, she waved her front legs as if to say, "PLEASE take me"! I loved her immediately, but was still so afraid that a third dog would be a mistake of gigantic proportions! I told a shelter volunteer that I was going to think about it and maybe come back on Friday. However, the final decision was made when I found out Zoey was the last dog left at the shelter, and she would be completely alone over the holiday. I thought, "Alone on Thanksgiving? Nope, not going to happen!" The rest is history. ❤️ (See before and after pic)
  • : Minneapolis Animal Care and Control
  • : Lisa Jacobson
  • : Gotcha day 11/25/15

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