Adopter Name
Lauren Skirvin
Rescue Dog's Name
Where Did You Find Your Dog?
I rescued my doll baby, Sophie in August of 2012.
Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.
Sophie was the kind of dog that catches your attention on Petfinder, but I wasn't sure if I was ready for the commitment of a new dog, as I already had two. I went on there every day just about, for a few days and she was always on there. Her big ears were laid back, as if she was so sad to be in the situation she was in. When I inquired about her, they only knew she was a stray and was in really bad shape. The next day I agreed to meet her and as soon as we met eyes, I KNEW she was mine. Poor thing was shaking and scared of all the other dogs barking out for attention, but she was just quiet and scared. I took her into my arms and she rested easy. Sophie has come along way since I adopted her, as you can see from the photos which were taken about 6 months apart. She was skinny as a rail, had a bad skin condition and it was clear she had been used in a puppy mill situation. She didn't know what grass was, only liked doing her business on concrete or hard surfaces, was scared of toys, her poor tummy was a mess from having so many litters at an innocent age of two, and her paws were spread apart, like she had spent a lot of time in a cage. Sophie is now a changed dog. Her skin has improved immensely, we are putting on some weight and she LOVES going to the dog park with her brother and sister. She also loves getting dolled up in her dresses.
How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?
I like to think I am giving her a much deserved spoiled life. I am so happy that I have found her and she is now a part of my life. She now knows what "love" really is and will never be used again for greed.
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