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by Carole Feeny |

Adopter Name

Jason and Ashley

Rescue Dog’s Name


Where Did You Find Your Dog?

Ashley and I had been kicking around the idea of getting another dog, we have a Big Boxer who was lonely the majority of the work days, Rocky. So one Saturday Morning we decided to go to this event that we saw flyers for from Pet Smart. Adoreabull Rescue is the adoption agency that had her.

Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.

Ashley held Dana when we first got to this event, and Dana licked Ashley on the face, Ashley looked at me and made her ”this is adorable” face. We wanted to leave and think about it, so we do. We drive probably 5 minutes down the road and we decide we have to have her. It was a long 3 days during the adoption process, but when we got her it was awesome.

How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?

Dana has brought amazing joy into our lives, so much that it is hard for us to imagine not having her in our lives. When we are having a bad day she comes storming on top of us with a Floury of Licks. Rocky and Dana will play in our house and big backyard for hours, its awesome just to watch them play together. Dana has brought so much joy, we will be forever grateful to Adoreabull for allowing us to get her. This has truly changed our lives as we have become more passionate about rescuing dogs.

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