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by Carole Feeny |

Adopter Name


Rescue Dog’s Name


Where Did You Find Your Dog?

We brought Crete home on Christmas Eve of 2010. We adopted him when he was around 7 weeks old from the local animal shelter in our town. When we first brought him home he was covered in fleas, dirt, and CONCRETE! Someone had dipped our sweet baby in concrete and dumped him at the shelter. (That is how he got his very original name.) We got him cleaned up and healthy and now you would never guess that he had a rough start at life because he is currently living like a king.

Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.

Honestly, it was love at first sight. The moment I met Crete he became my best friend. I have no doubt we were made for each other.

How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?

Crete has changed our lives so much for the better. When we first adopted him we were newlyweds and had just moved to a new state, we didn’t know anyone. Crete turned our house into a home. He took us from being just a husband and a wife and transformed us into a complete family. Last year Kurtis deployed to Afghanistan. Crete was my comfort and my rock during this time because he was the only one who truly understood what I was feeling. While I was missing my husband he was missing his daddy. When I was able to talk to my husband while he was gone, we kept from getting sad from missing each other by sharing the many, many, many ”Crete stories” that developed during this time. Crete’s huge personality made it easy for us to find something fun to laugh at together almost everyday. I’m thankful everyday that we were given the opportunity to save Crete so that he could save us.

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