- : Buffy came to me in a time that was very hard for me. I had just found out that my best friend, a 14 year old bulldog mix named Honey, had cancer. The vet had informed me that the cancer had spread to her lymph-nodes and that it probably wouldn't be long before it spread throughout her body. Together we made the decision to not pursue chemotherapy and to simply let her have quality life for the rest of her time on this earth versus quantity of time. About a month before Honey had passed Buffy came to the Humane Society I was working for. Since I decided to take her home, after a couple weeks it was like Honey knew that Buffy would take care of me and that it was okay for her to move on. It was about 3 weeks after bringing Buffy home that Honey Passed away. While no dog could ever replace Honey, this new little pitty mix holds a very special place in my heart.
- : Buffy came to me in a time that was very hard for me. I had just found out that my best friend, a 14 year old bulldog mix named Honey, had cancer. The vet had informed me that the cancer had spread to her lymph-nodes and that it probably wouldn't be long before it spread throughout her body. Together we made the decision to not pursue chemotherapy and to simply let her have quality life for the rest of her time on this earth versus quantity of time. About a month before Honey had passed Buffy came to the Humane Society I was working for. Since I decided to take her home, after a couple weeks it was like Honey knew that Buffy would take care of me and that it was okay for her to move on. It was about 3 weeks after bringing Buffy home that Honey Passed away. While no dog could ever replace Honey, this new little pitty mix holds a very special place in my heart.
- :Humane Society of Adams County
- :Amanda Cantrell
- :October 5, 2016
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