As a part of our commitment to giving back to rescue groups, we select two organizations every month to be the recipient of our Buy One Give One (BOGO) program. Our BOGO program is based on online sales from two of our leash and collar collections (I Am A Rescue or Support The Underdog). For every collar/leash purchased from these collections, one is donated to a rescue group.
We are thrilled to announce that the newly formed Furry Friends Rocky Rescue in Bismarck, North Dakota is our BOGO recipient from August 16 - 31. Furry Friends Rockin' Rescue is a non-profit animal rescue founded in 2015 by a group of Bismarck Animal Impound volunteers. FFRR was founded to alleviate overcrowding and unnecessary euthanization within the impound. A completely volunteer-run organization, they have expanded to take in owner surrenders and other animals found in dangerous situations. FFRR relies on the support of the community to help us provide services to animals and they strive to match animals with the right homes. They also seek to educate the community regarding the importance of providing proper veterinary care to animals and having all their pets spayed or neutered.
We asked FFRR's Social Media Director, Jenni LeBlanc, some questions about FFRR to get our supporters familiar with the work they do.
PBC: Tell us a little bit about Furry Friends Rockin Rescue.
Jenni: We formed in August 2015 to alleviate local pound euthanization. We received our non-profit status in October 2015. Since then, we've expanded to owner surrender, other impounds, and rescues to save animals. To date, we have saved approx. 220 animals in the small time we've been a rescue. We work with the local PetSmart and PetSmart Charities during the national meet and greet weekends.
PBC: Tell us about a memorable rescue.
Jenni: It's hard to pick out one particular story that stands out in my mind. Every single life we save is one less that has to suffer. We've taken in litters of puppies from an owner who wanted to leave them outside to freeze in the North Dakota winter. We've saved kittens that crawled into an engine of a vehicle. We've had dogs recover from parvovirus. We've assisted in both dog and cat hoarding experiences. We step in when the local animal impound asks us if we can take cats before they become euthanized.
PBC: Tell us your most challenging moment in the rescue and how you got through it.

Support Furry Friends Rockin Rescue by getting a collar and/or leash from our BOGO collections, and one of their adoptable will get one too!
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