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The Tale of a Sick Pup

by Carole Feeny |

  • : Gruedle has always cheered me up when I was down. She comforts me when I'm having an anxiety attack and always gives me hugs when I need them. She helps me sleep at night by giving me a sense of security and by easing my anxiety. I don't know what I would do without her.
  • : I knew she was meant for my family the second I saw her on the shelter's website. My mom was the only one to get to see her as she was far too sick for any real interaction. However, Gruedle whined for my mom as she left the pound after placing a priority hold on her. There was no way we weren't going to adopt her. Once she was well, they took her into surgery to spay her. It was there that they discovered bruises on her stomach, inside and out. Someone had kicked her out, quite literally. Her pads on her feet were rougher than our 12 year old chihuahua's. They have since softened up.
  • : Albuquerque Animal Welfare Westside
  • : Madison
  • : September 19th, 2015

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