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Scout and Snickers

by Carole Feeny |

Adopter Name

J. Houser

Rescue Dog's Name

Scout and Snickers

Where Did You Find Your Dog?

Scout and Snickers were both rescued at the Clermont County Animal Shelter.

Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.

We knew Scout would be a great family member, when he gave us one look from the crate! One year later we took Scout to the same shelter, and when those two boys met, we knew we had to take Snickers home too!

How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?

Our dogs are our family, when they are away we are lost and our house is too quiet. They are true Blue Collar dogs, and we are proud to have rescued them. I hope they know they have rescued us with their loyalty and unconditional love. Thank you Project Blue Collar for giving them something to wear loud and proud!

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