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by Carole Feeny |

Adopter Name

Emily Z.

Rescue Dog's Name


Where Did You Find Your Dog?

A former Midwest puppy mill dog, McGee was rescued by a Colorado rescue group.

Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.

From the second I stepped foot in the shelter, my eyes locked on his. He lept on his hind legs and danced around with the most brilliant smile on his face. I never walked away from his cage that day, and we both knew it was the last time he would ever live behind wire bars again.

How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?

At 13 years young, McGee is one amazing pup! He spent the first nine years of his life in an Oklahoma puppy mill. I met him after he had spent some time in a Midwest rescue, transported to a Colorado shelter, adopted out and returned after a few months. He had endured more cruelty in his 10 years of life than I knew possible. He only had a handful of teeth left in his mouth, his ears and paws were violent shades of red from infections, and I don't think he had ever been groomed in his life. He looked like a little bear. Over the past three years, McGee has taught me that you never have to accept the cards you're dealt, and that you can always be just as happy as you choose to be. It has been a very long journey to health and happiness, but never once did McGee give up hope that he would see this day. On his freedom ride home from the shelter that November afternoon, I had no idea how much this little dog would change my life. I am the woman and mother I am today because of McGee's daily lessons in patience, resilience, forgiveness, and joy. McGee will celebrate his 14th birthday this November 2014 and 4 years since his rescue from an Oklahoma puppy mill. He's proof that rescue dogs at any age have so much to offer!

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