- : I'm mom's happiness and I love her very much
: Hello, my name is Manny and I'd like to tell you my rescue story. ⠀It was 4 years ago. I lived with people and I tried my best to be a good dog.
I don't know why, but one day they just left me on the street. ⠀ ⠀I was trying to find the way back, but I was lost and scared.
It was -17 F degrees in Novosibirsk City in Russia in the month of February.
A big dog attacked me and bit me hard. I was limping on one paw, freezing and desperate. ⠀ ⠀Luckily
my future mommy had to leave her warm apartment to pick up a curtain rod she had ordered. It was also close to the place she needed to meet her clients for work. And that was the place I was waiting for her.
Do you think it was destiny? Because I really think so. ⠀ ⠀She saw me, sitting and shaking next to the door, ignored by so many people. I followed her everywhere she went.
She didn't know what to do next,
but she knew she wanted to save me. So, that's how I found myself in her car and then in the apartment she lived in.
My future mom's name was Marina. The first three days I didn't eat.
I also hardly let her touch me. I was scared whenever she moved her arms up, because my previous owners physically abused me.
⠀ ⠀Marina didn't know anything about dogs
and she thought that I was a
puppy who would grow to be a big dog. She took me to the vet
who told her that I'm pretty healthy and young 1 1/2 year old dog and I would not grow any larger
. For 2-3 months my mommy tried to find my previous owner. She posted information about me in the Internet and newspapers.
Nobody called. Believe it or not, at the beginning she didn’t plan to adopt me. I didn't even have a name.
She just called me, “dog". ⠀ ⠀Eventually, mom fell in love with me and didn't want to be away from me.
At the beginning, she wanted to name me Lucky, but she couldn’t pronounce the "L" sound.
She started to call me “Manny” for no reason, other than that name sounded good to her.
⠀The first 6 months weren't easy for both of us. She didn't know much about dogs
, and I was scared she would abuse me as my previous owners had done.
I just couldn't trust anyone again
. When she wanted to pet me, I would tense my body because I thought I would be hit.
I didn't listen to her, did whatever I wanted, fought with other dogs, barked at people, and acted like I was about to bite them.
⠀But all bad things end
and my heart melted and my personality became much better. I slowly realized she would never harm me.
We started to be best friends. Marina and I played a lot (I'm a very active dog),
walked, visited her friends and traveled together in the car.
By the way, I love to ride in a car, especially when the window is fully open.
Well, it's not fully open any more, since once I jumped into it, but this is another story I'll tell you guys one day.
⠀That's how I found my mommy and we became adventurous buddies.
Now she says that I was the one who found her and made her my master and she is happy to have me in her life. So am I.
The end
⠀ You can see more of my pictures and stories on http://www.instagram.com/tamatatt
- : On the street in Russia
- : Manny's rescue story
- : 02.08.14
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