Adopter Name
F. Johanson
Rescue Dog's Name
Where Did You Find Your Dog?
I found him at the Erie County SPCA in Tonawanda, NY. It listed him as Vizsla / Pit Bull mix. I saw his beautiful picture on their website.
Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.
After seeing his picture on their website, I left work early to go see him. He was 7 months old and had been in several homes, but no one kept him. He was brought to New York from a shelter down south as his time had run out there. Much to my dismay, a couple was there looking at him and arguing about if they would take him or not. I finally spoke up and told them that if they weren’t taking him, I was! They were very irritated with me and said that they were taking him. I was heartbroken…something in his eyes just drew me in…I already loved him! Two days later, while again looking at their website, his picture was back!!!! Again I left work early and went to the SPCA. I immediately found him…he was so excited, as was I. He apparently did not want to be with that couple as he had destroyed their living room during the night. I immediately adopted him!
How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?
My hero got me through a very hard time in my life. I lost my 31 year old son two months after I adopted Kanga. Without Kanga in my life to make me smile and laugh out loud I don’t know what I would have done. He is such a clown and seems to know when I’m having a sad day…and he always makes me smile. He brings sunshine to my dark days and I love him with all my heart. He started out needing me…and I now need him. We’re a perfect match!
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