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by Carole Feeny |

Adopter Name

Michele Houston

Rescue Dog’s Name


Where Did You Find Your Dog?

Jeffrey was listed for euthanasia at Manhattan ACC, August 2010

Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.

As an advocate, I crosspost hundreds of dogs hoping to help them gain exposure and find forever homes, I came across ”Ranger” on Bruised Not Broken’s page and shared him. Something immediately made me go back and look at him again… at that second glance, I received an intuitive ”jolt” that told me that we needed to be together. I was NOT looking for another dog, I didn’t NEED another mouth to feed and my boyfriend said, ”Absolutely NO”! So, when he left for a football game with his friends…I went and got Ranger!

How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?

Jeffrey (formerly Ranger) has changed not only my life but continues to touch the lives of others on a daily basis. After being rescued, we attended some basic and intermediate obedience classes. He earned his AKC Canine Good Citizen Certificate and the examiner said, ”If you don’t pursue therapy work with this dog, it would be a crime”! Jeffrey is now a Registered Delta/Pet Partners Therapy Dog, a Registered Reading Education Assistance Dog, a Reiki Attuned Canine, and a Goodwill Ambassador for shelter dogs everywhere! In addition to weekly sessions at an inner city reading program, Jeffrey volunteers at The Cove Center for Grieving Children and Camp Erin Newtown, he provides compassionate, gentle comfort for children and families experiencing profound loss. He also is a volunteer at a camp for refugee children. Jeffrey attends adoption events to show potential adopters that wonderful dogs can be found in every shelter across the country. His most recent achievement is being nominated for Therapy Dog of the Year in the American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards! He is currently a semi finalist (top 3 in his category) If he were to achieve top honors, people everywhere could see yet another example of shelter dog gratitude! Jeffrey changes my life each an every day by inspiring me to be a better person. He is a living lesson in gratitude, grace, and resilience and I am so very blessed to walk beside him on this journey.

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