Adopter Name
Kim Tibbetts
Rescue Dog’s Name
Where Did You Find Your Dog? Cranston Animal Shelter, Cranston, RI
Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.
We found Jack on petfinder back in 06….my two daughters and i drove 4 hours to Cranston, RI from Maine to meet him. All the other dogs in the shelter were barking and loud and it was crazy int here. The sign on Jack’s cage said DO NOT PUT HANDS IN CAGE…. Taylor, then 6 or 7, of course stuck her fingers right in…he did not stop kissing her hands and you could see the love in his face! We couldnt take him that day as he needed to be neutered…when we got out to the parking lot i dropped my car keys, when i bent down i could see him…watching us from the very very far side of his pen…he had gone as far out as he could to view us..he watched as we left . We all knew it was meant to be! The next weekend we drove back to get him, he drove home on his freedom ride eating McDonald’s French Fries and continuously kissing my daughter’s face in the back seat. We will never forget that meet and greet!
How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?
The best part is the fact that Jack is so very tolerant and good with other dogs and this has allowed us to become a foster home for Bully Breed Rescue as well as a local rescue here in Maine, The Green Ark. He has in the past 7 years welcomed 12 plus dogs into our home and taught them manners in his own way! Fostering has been a great life lesson for my children and I.
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