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How Magic Happened

by Carole Feeny |

  • : Magic was a stray in rural Hong Kong when he followed a dog rescuer home. She has tried to home him at various places to no avail. His first residence was a farm for a few weeks until he attacked the farmer's rabbit. He was then relocated to a warehouse whose owner found him useless because he wouldn't bark. He was chained up daily, left in pitch dark and most likely beaten. The guard lady there looked after him for over 2 years but it wasn't enough to take him when she resigned. The rescuer took him back and to a shelter for better connections. Then came a foster home for only 3 days because he didn't get on with the resident dogs. He has moved from a private kennel to a run-down temple as well. He has been left behind repeatedly. My husband and I wanted a dog for many years but couldn't due to landlords and long working hours. When the time came, Magic's adoption coincided with our marriage day. We chose him over a ceremony because we wanted him more than anything. He was our perfect wedding and we couldn't be more humbled and moved by his story. This relationship we have, which is not governed by rules or language has been the most profound.
  • : We went to visit him at an enclosed temple, which was being served as a carpark. He was let out with 3 other dogs from a room. As ecstatic as they were to see people, he was the only one that came to us, sat down and voluntarily gave us his paw. Additionally, he was curious and playful with insects. We knew that he had so much more to give and yet no one took him permanently and he wasn't a popular choice for a long time. We knew that our waiting to become a family was meant to be.
  • : Kirsten's Zoo, Hong Kong
  • : Adeliine
  • : June 19th 2016

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