Adopter Name
Maya Starbuck
Rescue Dog’s Name
Holi Day Starbuck
Where Did You Find Your Dog?
Concern for Animals a local no kill group here in Tumwater, WA. Their main mission is to assist those who can’t afford to spay or neuter their pets or assist with emergency bills for low income homes. They have a group of foster homes that helps house and care for pets they take in for adoption.
Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.
I was privileged to hold Holi Day Starbuck the night after her rescue. She was 2 weeks old and fit in one hand. I held her close and she nuzzled into my chest, not something any of the other puppies did. I informed CFA adoption team that I would be taking her. 6 weeks late a week before Christmas she came home with me.
How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?
Holi Day much like all the dogs in my life has a huge part of my heart. She will be 3 in October, 2013 and is my second Service Dog, a medical alert dog. Not only does she add so much joy and wonder to my life she allows me to be just like everyone else. She is my hiking and travel buddy, we run 5k events together and we enjoy cuddling up to movies together. All my dogs, service or pets have been rescues and never once have I had a bad one, because their situation might have been bad but they aren’t. They love unconditionally.
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