Adopter Name
Rescue Dog’s Name
Where Did You Find Your Dog?
Quincy Animal Shelter
Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.
I was getting ready to move out and really wanted a dog! So I decided to go to the pound and I fell in love with him at first sight. I didn’t even look at another dog he sat there with his big brown eyes and just looked at me. The rest has been history!
How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?
During the time I got him I was going through an extremely rough breakup and I have always been a dog person so I knew dogs can literally save you from turmoil! So I went to the local animal shelter which is a kill shelter just so I can save a dogs life since I knew he was going to save mine! My dog is the most perfect dog for me. He’s so loving and sweet. He loves to cuddle me and love on me. He can sense when I’m sad and he won’t leave my side. We truly are soul mates. I couldn’t have picked a better dog for myself. He’s the most perfect dog! I love my Hershey he puts a smile on my face everyday!
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