- : Everyday she puts a smile on my face that warms my heart. She's my shadow that has love that will never fade. She's my best friend, "furry" daughter, companion, and family member.
- : I first saw my baby girl, Gracie, at the Humane Society of Missouri. She had been rescued from a puppy mill with all of her brothers and sisters. When I first saw her large litter of 12 puppy's I was overwhelmed with who to bring into my family. From the back of the litter, a sleepy 2 month old girl came running straight up to me and into my arms. From that little moment of love I knew she would be my furry daughter. 3 years later Gracie girl has a great loving home with me, her dad, mom, two furry sisters Annie, and Luna (cat). She's our baby girl and the oldest of our furry kids, and always has a special place in my heart. I always tell people we rescued her but in all honesty she rescued us! We all love PBC and what they stand for! Keep rescuing and saving lives! All the Love!?
- : Human Society of Missouri
- : Kevin
- : October 11, 2012
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