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by Carole Feeny |

Adopter Name

Jennifer Sisinni

Rescue Dog’s Name


Where Did You Find Your Dog?

I rescued Buddy, 6 years ago, from the Marshall County Animal Shelter in Moundsville, WV.

Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.

I had lost my Copper, beloved pet of 12 years…I always say he lasted longer than my marriage….to cancer. I was devasted. Copper had been my ”saving grace” through my divorce, and I really wasn’t sure how I was going to get through my difficult days without him. Shortly after Copper had died, I began the search for a dog. I had made up my mind I wanted a ”tea-cup Beagle” and had been searching online for breeders. That’s when it happened. I ran across this site that had advertised dogs from the Marshall County Animal Shelter. I saw a picture of a female beagle mix and thought I’d drive down to meet her. When I got there….I saw ”Buddy” outside with one of the workers. The moment I picked him up, he cuddled up to me and whimpered with joy. That’s all it took. I was hooked! He turned out to be much larger than that ”tea cup” I had in mind, but he is the most loving, friendly, spunky companion EVER! I don’t know what I did before Buddy, and don’t want to imagine life without him. He rescued me for sure that cold and dreary day in November.

How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?

Buddy has helped ”introduce” me to many of my neighbors. I had moved here, and for the first two years, spoke to no one. He helped bring me out of my shell and ”introduced” me to the neighborhood. There’s not a soul out there who can resist his big beagle ears, wagging tail and puppy dog eyes!

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