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Bentley & Marla

by Carole Feeny |

Adopter Name

Ola Belmonte

Rescue Dog’s Name

Bentley & Marla

Where Did You Find Your Dog?

I found Bentley at a doggy store. At this point I did not know what a puppy mill was and a puppy mill pup is exactly what he was. Marla I found online through petfinder. She was a rescue dog, rescued by Angel Paw Rescue.

Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.

Bentley was the shy pup in the back of the cage. All of his brothers and sisters were lively wanting attention and he just stayed back with his little head down. At that moment he became the one for me. Marla was the third dog I applied for adopting and if it didn’t work out with her I was going to give up thinking a second dog was not meant for me. But thank goodness she was available and it did work out. When she arrived at my house with Angela from Angel Paw Rescue she was absolutely terrified. We gave her space and out of a room of several people she chose ME somehow knowing I was going to be her mom. From that minute on we have had a very special bond and I am soooo happy she fell in love with me the way I feel in love with her.

How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?

Both my dogs have a very special place in my heart and they are my family and my little fur kids. They have showed me an unlimited amount of unconditional love and loyalty. They have taught me about kindness and showed me what it means to be responsible for a different life then my own. They bring so much joy and laughter into every day that I cannot imagine my life without them.

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