Adopter Name
Cody Speck
Rescue Dog's Name
Where Did You Find Your Dog?
I found titan at the local dog pound and they said they were about to put him to sleep.
Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.
there were about 10 puppies that they animal control guy showed me and I liked all of them and then we were about to leave to go look at the other dog pounds and then as I was walking out I saw titan and he just looked at me and ran to me and I knew he was the one I wanted .
How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?
I recently just lost my other pitbull named Dash and he was my best friend and I was lost without him and my mom decided that I needed a new puppy and she took me to the pound and the day I found titan my heart was whole again he means the world to me.
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