Adopter’s Name:
Victoria Swanson
Where Did You Find Your Dog?
I went to the shelter after class one day ”just to look” fell in love with tank and took him home shortly after, snatched him off death row, a couple years later (this winter) a friend of mine took in a foster liter after the mother had passed away giving birth. All of the puppies had found loving homes except for the all white boy, he is completely deaf, instead of letting him go to a shelter to sit, no one seems to want a dog with disabilities, so I took him home, tank watches out for him and has been teaching him the ways, he never leaves tanks side.
The Moment You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other:
I was at the shelter and had actually walked passed tanks kennel a few times, I honestly didn’t know there was even a dog in it, my third time through that ward, I was looking at a dog next to him) he poked his nose through the chain link and over the cement walls, and that was it, my heart was instantly his. And as for Hemi, I had offered to be a temp home until a more permanent home could be found, the second I held him I knew he wasn’t going anywhere, he was my deaf baby.
How Has Your Rescue Dog Hero Changed Your Life?
When I had gotten Tank I was suffering severe depression, honestly If it weren’t for him I don’t think I’d still be here today, even as I’m typing this my eyes are leaking, he is my whole world, him and Hemi both get through each day
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