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From Little Dog to Olive Pinkerton

by Carole Feeny |

  • : By the side of the road
  • : Sophie
  • : 01/29/15
  • : After we found Olive, I promised her that I would do everything to give her the best life I possibly could. With that promise, she grew tremendously the first few months, both emotionally and physically. After sometime, I realized that our relationship was a two way street and in order to give her the best, I would have to give my best. With her by my side, we started jogging (which I had never done before) and we started hiking every week. All with her by my side, I was able to lose over 30 pounds, and gain a new outlook on life. Olive continues to change my life for the better on a daily basis, and I just hope I can do the same for her.
  • : Almost 2 years ago, I made a huge life change moving from New York to Florida, leaving behind family and my boyfriend (now fiance) to pursue a degree in veterinary medicine. I came to Florida with my only friends being my new roommate and her 80 pound pitbull mix. Longing for home, I too decided I wanted to adopt a dog. On my way to a local adoption event, my roommate calls, and tells me she found my dog. I rush to meet her at the emergency hospital she had taken 'Little Dog' as we called her initially. A shell of a dog, weighing only 23 pounds, (less than half her ideal weight) loaded with worms, and infected with salmonella, we had to help her. With the help of a local gofundme, she stayed in intensive care at the hospital where I visited her everyday between classes. While the hard part was over, once Olive came home (and got her official name) there were many other battles we had to face due to her distrust of people and her anxiety. Watching her grow and blossom has bonded me to this dog in a way I didn't think was possible. She is quirky, snuggly, silly, basically everything a pittie is meant to be. Watching her conquer her fears and overcomes her anxieties has saved me from my own anxiety and depression. She has become part of my family here in Florida, and everyday I am grateful for her.
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