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by Carole Feeny |

Adopter Name


Rescue Dog’s Name


Where Did You Find Your Dog?

We found Lita through Castaway Pit Bull Rescue. My best friend was fostering Lita after she pulled her less than 24 hours away from being euthanized.

Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.

I knew we were meant for each other when my previous dog died a week after we adopted Lita and she wouldn’t leave my side. She knew something was wrong, and would only leave me to go outside to potty. She was the only reason that period of my life wasn’t as hard as it could of been.

How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?

Lita has changed my life in so many ways. I’ve had social anxiety since I was a teenager but it’s only gotten worse as I’ve gotten older. Because of Lita, I finally got my drivers license at the age of 25. I’ve met so many people from all around the world because of her, when before I was too afraid to even talk to my next door neighbor. She is honestly my anxiety medication, my child, my best friend and my cuddle buddy all wrapped into one. I couldn’t have gotten any luckier!

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