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Henry the One-Eyed Pit Bull

by Carole Feeny |

  • : Henry has been there for me through a tough pregnancy and two miscarriages. He literally did not leave my side when I laid in bed for 6 weeks. He has been the one constant companion and rock in my life. We play frisbee at the park, we used to run before he got a little too old. He lays in bed with me every night to sleep and some part of him has to always be touching me. I get antsy when we go out of time and have never left him for more than 3 days. I love how he sun bathes in 100 degree weather and hibernates when it is 70 degrees or cooler. He hates the rain. I love this dog more than words can describe. We have battled mass cell tumors the past couple years and he is so tough.
  • : Henry had been horribly abused and was sitting in the medical wing of the city shelter where I volunteered. I came back from Thanksgiving vacation and my friend asked if I could foster him. He had a head tilt and a bad eye that needed to be removed and the shelter was going to put him down. I said of course I will foster him. We literally ran out the back door of the shelter. The moment he hopped in my little truck he rested his big head on my hand and didn't move the whole drive home. That is when I knew he was not going to be a foster, he was going to stay. The look in his one good eye was pure magic and love. I think about that drive often. One of the best days of my life. I am so thankful for my friend at the shelter for saving him for me.
  • : Sacramento City Shelter
  • : Wendy
  • : December 2, 2009

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