Here we are today. This is after nearly 3 years together. When we first got Heidi, she was insecure and nervous about everything, including jumping and tennis balls. We would toss her a ball and she would slink away with her tail tucked in and be fearful if us for the next few hours. Whether this was from her previous owners or living 5 days on the street we don't know. She also had no previous experience with jumping or any training. Today she knows over 30 tricks, and can jump 2 and a half feet. First we had to build a bond, and work from there. Heidi came into my life after I had just moved and had to start a new school. As nervous as I was, she gave me confidence by showing that a friend could be made in a tail wag, or in my case a hand wave. I also became more active and discovered my talent for running as she did hers as well for jumping and running in common. She taught me you don't need fancy phones and toys, a simple tennis ball will do. But most importantly she's taught me to be a good friend, as she is to me-lessonsfrommyrescuedog
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